Quit feeling exhausted all the time and enjoy life’s pleasures with high energy levels

Fit-for-Life Accelerator 

The fastest way to sustainable weight loss, improve overall work performances, and increase stamina 

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– to help live a fulfilled life feeling in control of body and mind 
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Discover how to shed 20lbs within 90 days

Avoid dreading cooking with our simple plug-n-play recipes

Never give up your favorite food (that’s a myth!)

Sitting behind your work desk for more than 8 hours a day has its side effects…

Day by day you feel your energy level is decreasing….

Your back starts hurting, your eyes water and there’s no time to just *mindfully* breathe. 

You start putting on weight that just doesn’t let loose. 

And after work hours all you can think about is to lock your room and go to bed, UGH!

On top of that, when you do attempt to ‘play with your kids’ or try playing any sport…your low-energy levels make you feel so exhausted. 

Tbh, you just feel weak from within. 

Without realizing it, this also starts
affecting other areas of your life… 

…Your spouse feels the spark in your relationship is diminishing
…Your kids feel left out
…Your boss or employees don’t feel that energy you had a few years ago

Most importantly, the Confidence and Power that you radiated in your 20s has started to waver…

In other words, you have lately started feeling so disconnected from your true self.

Every single problem in your life
right now stems from ONE thing. 

It’s the result of poor health habits

And by this, I do not mean that going to the “gym” is the one-stop solution.

Micro habits such as the foods you consume, the way you start your mornings, and your workout
routine affect the overall quality of your life

It’s not “hard” to do if you have the correct health system in place
In fact, You just need 30 minutes a day to start living life at its fullest potential.
Read that again.

"This program helped me transform my habits and get me back to feeling my absolute best!"

“I recently completed the RyzeUP program and had tremendous results. Not only during the program but also changes to my daily habits that I have implemented as a result. The trainers truly care about your goals and provide a rigorous, but supportive plan to accomplish them.”

"This 8 week program was the perfect thing that I needed to FINALLY lose the weight that I couldn't get rid of for YEARS!"

Being a mom meant I rarely found time for me. I tried diets like Keto and Atkins, but I kept slipping back. This program was different. By learning the science behind my health, I began to see what actually worked for my body. Now, I feel I’ve got a steady plan that I can keep up with for the long run. It’s been a real game-changer for me.


The only thing standing between you and vibrant health, inner peace, and unstoppable growth is knowing how to introduce wellness practices *seamlessly* into your current lifestyle



Fit-For-Life Accelerator

The 8-week no-bs Accelerator Program to transform your routines, bring back control over your health, and balance your work-life
Fat Burning At-Home Workouts
What if you just needed 30 minutes a day to make “best shape” a reality? These workouts are so simple and damn easy, they’ll seamlessly integrate even into the tightest schedules
The daily dose of “Wellness Wisdom”
When the motivation starts losing (the hardest obstacle), these 5-10 minutes lessons everyday act as motivation boosters – to help you stay on track and ensure you build long-term healthy habits. Consistent education is the bridge between short-lived results and lasting transformation!
Nutrition Powerhouse Guides
You don’t need to give up your favorite foods to “lose weight”. Our Nutrition Lessons will help you understand what YOUR body needs, how foods affect your overall quality of life and how you can make it simple and fun

Healthy & Fast Cooking Techniques

What if cooking healthy meals were so simple you could make it within minutes? You don’t need to pick between tasty and healthy foods because you can have both (really!). Mastering these techniques will help you prepare nutritious dishes that even the pickiest eaters in your family would approve!

The Best-Self Mindset Lessons

Have you ever felt you keep losing momentum in following the routines after a few days? This happens to us when we don’t strengthen our minds and prepare it to maintain discipline. Mindset Trainings will help you bring a holistic approach to being vibrantly healthy and joyously happy

Community Support

Embarking on a health journey is always more fulfilling with a group by your side. With our vibrant community, you’ll find both the motivation during challenges and heartfelt celebrations for every win. Being surrounded by individuals on the same path as you not only provides accountability but also ensures you’re never walking this journey alone. Embrace the collective strength, wisdom, and encouragement of a community committed to the same goals.

Are You Tired Of Being Tired? Feeling Like You Just Can't Keep Up With Your Busy Life?

Have You Tried Countless Other Programs To Find That They Just Aren’t Working?
I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. Millions of parents and entrepreneurs just like you constantly put their health in the back seat while they take care of all of their other responsibilities. From getting the kids ready and taking them to school to trying to run and manage their full time positions, it can seem almost impossible to find time to focus on taking care of themselves.
Noticing this recurring trend, I set out on a journey to team up with one of my best friends and long time fitness expert, Ian Shaw, to design a program specifically with entrepreneurs and busy parents in mind! One that will help them implement healthy habits and routines into their life so they can look, feel and perform at their absolute best without having to sacrifice their busy schedules.

After two years of working hands on with over 100 parents and entrepreneurs and figuring out EXACTLY what was needed to create true lasting change in their lives, we created a solution that will keep you feeling your best all year long without having to spend hours at the gym every week or giving up your favorite foods.

"I lost 12 lbs in 8 weeks and I didn't even take it seriously. This system is truly a game changer!"

Before joining the Fit For Life Academy, I constantly felt tired, and my nutrition was off-track. As a dad and entrepreneur, I needed a routine that could fit into my hectic life. This program offered just that. With such simple tasks, I’ve seen impressive results – I’m down 9lbs in just two months, even without going all-in. I’ve finally found a routine that not only delivers results but one I genuinely enjoy and am confident I can maintain. Thank you for this life-changing experience!

"I Can't Believe It... After Years of Failing I Lost 18LB All From My Home in 20 Minutes Per Day"

Before finding RyzeUP, I felt like I’d lost all hope. But this program transformed not just my body but my entire outlook on life. After shedding 18 lbs right from my living room, the most surprising change came from the mindset lessons. It was a game-changer I didn’t even realize I needed. Now, I feel more confidence, more energy, and I’m just making it through my busy day much easier. A heartfelt thank you to the RyzeUP team!

Wait!! There’s more

The Tools, Checklists, Guides, and Cheatsheets you need to Start and Stay Consistent with your Fitness Goals – $199 (FREE FOR YOU)

And... Hundreds Of Parents And Entrepreneurs Just Like You Around The World Are Already Applying The 'Fit For Life Framework'

A Program Built Alongside World Class Experts!

“RyzeUP has put together a full on comprehensive life changing approach to reach your health goals!”
“RyzeUP has put together a full on comprehensive life changing approach to reach your health goals. If you have been looking for a step by step all inclusive program, you’ve found it with RyzeUP. Nick and Ian have made an investment in your success by creating this resource for you. Reach out today, don’t wait! You’ll be glad you did.”
Sondra Shaw
Functional Nutrition Therapist
“The RyzeUP course is an absolute Masterpiece. It covers many of the small, but important aspects of health that are often overlooked.”
“The RyzeUP course is an absolute Masterpiece. It is a fully comprehensive education program that teaches you everything you need to know about being healthy and literally leaves no stone unturned. It covers small, important aspects that often get overlooked. Like the importance that micronutrients and Recovery play in your overall health. I was extremely impressed with the level of detail that was delivered in a way that was very easy to understand. If you follow this to the letter, you will see a remarkable change in your life.”
Katie Sarradet
Multi- Ironman Athlete
“The perfect program to help you create a personal transformation and lasting change!”
“RyzeUP combines engaging workouts, practical nutrition, and mindset training in an educational program that gives you the tools to reach your lifestyle goals. Not only does RyzeUp give you the know-how, but it offers insight and support to help you understand your motivation, and what gets in the way, in order to create personal transformation and lasting change.”
Lindsey Randol
PsychD, LPC


It’s best for busy parents and entrepreneurs who work remote aged 30-50 who need to lose 20lbs or more over the next 8 weeks without having to go to the gym or disrupt their busy schedule!
If You’re Tired Of…
Feeling Unhappy With Your Current Body Image
Do you often feel uncomfortable in your own skin, constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling inadequate? The negative thoughts and emotions surrounding your appearance can be overwhelming, causing you to shy away from social situations and miss out on the joys of life. Feeling like this lack of confidence is bleeding into every area of your life from your relationship with your partner, to your parenting abilities and even getting in the way of your performance at work.
Jumping From Program To Program Seeing Minimal Results
So many people jump from one program to the next seeing some results, but always finding themselves back where they started and some times even worse. They are constantly falling victim to the next shiny object in the fitness industry and feel confused about what REALLY works.
Drained and Unmotivated
Do you feel like you’re just going through the motions of your daily life, struggling to find the energy and motivation to tackle even the simplest tasks? The constant battle with low energy and health issues is weighing you down and impacting almost every aspect of your life. It’s affecting your mood, productivity, and even your relationships, leaving you feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. You know your poor physical health is holding you back from living your best life.

And You Want To…

Love Your Body and Feel Confident
You want to wake up every morning feeling confident in your own skin, no longer comparing yourself to others and feeling inadequate. You’re ready to lose 20 lbs in just 8 weeks, giving you the confidence to wear the clothes you love and feel great doing it. Enjoying this newfound confidence that you know will positively impact every area of your life, from your relationship with your partner to your parenting abilities and even your performance at work. You will finally feel in control and able to show up as your best self!
Find A Program That Delivers Sustainable Results
Learn why other programs have failed you in the past and go down a self discovery journey to find what works best for you. You’ll never have to waste your time or money again on programs that don’t deliver sustainable results. We help you figure out the strategies that you truly enjoy so you stick with them. No more fad diets or quick fixes, our program is designed to deliver results that will last a LIFETIME!
Live Your Best Life
You’re ready to take back control of your health and have more energy to live your best life. Our program is designed to address your underlying health issues, giving you a boost of energy that will improve your relationships, increase your productivity, and help you handle life’s challenges with ease. You’re ready to finally have the energy to enjoy all of life’s experiences and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.

Fit-For-Life Accelerator is for the
Modern-Day Professional who wants to stop feeling tired and exhausted all the time, lose weight to get into their best shape, and enjoy life with their loved ones with high-energy levels…

…without sacrificing their favorite foods or going to the gym (if they don’t want to)

Just Imagine, 60 Days From Now...

Waking up and looking in the mirror, feeling proud and confident in your own skin. Your clothes fit better, your energy is through the roof, and your friends and family are complimenting you left and right. You’ve lost a whole 20 pounds, and it shows
And it’s not just about the short-term results. Think about the years to come. Picture yourself being able to keep up with your kids or grandkids as they grow up, enjoying active adventures together without getting winded. Imagine feeling the spark in your relationship reigniting as your confidence and energy soar.
As you continue to implement these habits, you begin to see the positive effects ripple throughout every aspect of your life. You have newfound confidence in yourself and your abilities, allowing you to excel in your career and pursue new opportunities. Your relationships are stronger than ever as you bring your best self to each interaction.
As you look ahead to the years to come, you can envision a life filled with vitality and joy. You’re aging gracefully, staying active and healthy, and inspiring those around you to do the same. You’ve learned to prioritize yourself and your health, and it has paid off in ways you never could have imagined.
It all starts with taking that first step towards a healthier, happier you. With our program, you’ll learn the tools and strategies you need to make lasting changes that will transform your life. So, take a deep breath and imagine your future self, living your best life. It’s within your reach, and we’re here to help you get there.
No Worries OR Risk…
The Product Comes With A

100% 14 Day Money
Back Guarantee

30 Day Money Back. Your trust and satisfaction are our top priorities. We’re confident in the transformative power of our program. That’s why we offer a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you’re not satisfied with the results or feel this isn’t for you, simply reach out within 30 days of purchase, and we’ll refund your investment, no questions asked. We want you to dive in, explore, and truly benefit from what we offer. Your success is our success, and if you feel this isn’t the right fit, we’ve got your back.

Yes! It's really possible to change your life in 60 days for just $97 - Look how these people just like you did in the program...

Option 1: Do Nothing And Go Backwards…

By choosing this path, you risk falling back into old patterns, possibly gaining back weight or even feeling worse than before. The time and effort previously spent could be wasted, and you might find yourself further away from your health goals, struggling to find motivation once more.

Option 2: Do Nothing An if you are lucky, Stay the same…

Staying still in a world that’s always moving can feel like sinking. Holding onto your current health means missing out on the zest of life, renewed energy, and the confidence that comes with better health. It’s the discomfort of knowing you’re capable of more but choosing to remain bound by the invisible chains of the familiar.

Option 3: Make the change today, and change your life…

This is the path of transformation. By taking this step, you unlock a door to a healthier, happier you. You’ll feel energized, confident, and proud of every progress you make, laying down the foundation for lasting, positive changes in your life.
The biggest thing that differentiates this program from ANY other program out there is that we don’t just tell you what to do, but we teach you why!
When you know why you’re doing something, it becomes so much easier to stay committed. And that’s exactly what we want for you… To be so confident in your abilities that you never give up on yourself again!
By the end of the program, you’ll have so much more energy than you ever thought possible. You’ll be able to keep up with your kids and your business without a problem. And you’ll finally rediscover the inner confidence that’s been waiting to come out!

During Our 8 Week Accelerator You Will...

Utilize Micro Workouts To Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life

Have More Energy Than You Ever Thought Was Possible

Learn Quick And Efficient Strategies To Make Cooking Feel Like Less Of A Chore

Transform Your Mindset To Help You Recognize Your True Potential & Finally Learn To Love Yourself

Transform your relationship with food and leave the yo-yo diet roller coaster behind

Implement Healthy Habits That Will Last a Lifetime!

Plus...If you purchase today, you will also get this fast action bonus worth $199

Guides and Resources You Can Access For Life
Having a go-to library for lifelong health is priceless. With our forever-accessible guides and resources, you’re never left without support. Dive into 200+ tasty, health-boosting recipes and detailed guides that cover all facets of wellness. Whether it’s two months or two years down the road, you’ll have a treasure trove of knowledge at your fingertips, always ready to help you stay on track.

Yes! It's really possible to change your life in 60 days for just $97 - Look how these people just like you did in the program...

Meet Nick and Ian. We didn’t just wake up one day as experts. We put in the time, learned from experience, and have been personal trainers for years. Nick, with his deep knowledge about the right foods, and Ian, with his chef skills, can make those healthy foods taste like a gourmet meal.
Through our own challenges and transformations, we figured out a missing piece: it’s not just about the body, but the mind too. We’ve been where you are. We’ve faced those same roadblocks, those same doubts. That’s why we’re so sure about what works and what doesn’t.
So, we decided to do something different. For the first time ever, we merged mindset, nutrition knowledge, top-notch culinary skills, and effective fitness training into one program. But here’s our twist: We don’t just tell you what to do, we explain the why behind it. Because understanding the “why” is a game-changer. It’s the secret sauce to lasting change.
Join us, and we’ll guide you step-by-step. With our combined experience and unique approach, we promise not just a fleeting change, but a lifetime transformation. We’ve walked this path, and now we’re here to walk it with you. Let’s make your health journey a remarkable one, together.

Still Unsure? Here’s Some Common Questions We Get...

We get it, there’s a lot out there. But our program isn’t just another list of do’s and don’ts. It’s built on a unique blend of mindset, nutrition, culinary skills, and fitness, all under one roof. Plus, we don’t just tell you what to do; we teach you why. Our approach ensures you understand the reasoning behind every step, which leads to lasting change.

Our program is designed with busy lives in mind. Short, effective workouts, quick culinary tips, and bite-sized lessons mean you can integrate this into even the most hectic schedules. Plus, when you’re equipped with the “why” behind what you’re doing, it becomes easier to prioritize.

Absolutely! The culinary section is designed for all levels. Ian’s chef skills will guide you in making healthy foods taste gourmet, but in a simple and easy-to-follow manner. Remember, it’s not about being a top chef, it’s about enjoying what you eat while staying healthy.

No way! We believe in balance. Our nutrition guidance teaches you how to incorporate your favorite treats into a healthy lifestyle. It’s about making informed choices, not restrictions.

We’ve got a community waiting for you. Along with our comprehensive program, you’ll be a part of a supportive group of individuals on the same journey. Plus, understanding the why behind your actions can be a powerful motivator. We’re not just here to guide you; we’re here to journey with you every step of the way.

I get it, it’s more difficult to maintain a healthy routine than starting it. This is why you need to know *why* you are following the routines great gurus keep teaching you about. And inside Fit-for-Life Accelerator, we detail why or why not a particular habit should be a part of your daily life which makes following it so freaking easy
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